Class party and new projects

Can't believe spring quarter is coming to an end! 

Rob made his savory gumbo for the last class. He makes it all from scratch and it's a real treat. It ended up turning into a real party and we all had a great time! I know it doesn't look like any painting is getting done, but there was a little progress tonight before the food came out.

Part of the fun in taking an ongoing class is getting to know everyone and having a little fun!

This is the first or my shabby-sheik painting racks.

It should hold at least 10 canvases up to 2" high.

I've limited my self to just one building project a quarter. Otherwise I'd never get any painting done! 

Over this  break I'm going to build storage / drying racks for the class. These will go in the kitchen and I'm hoping these will add enough storage space to accommodate everyone. And...well, if I get enough time, I'd really like to build a few more of my second generation studio tables. They've been a big hit in the classes and they save a lot of space as well.

It's come a long way since this summer. Now that the class rooms are finished, time to tackle the kitchen.