Happy Fall - time to settle into the studio!

Happy Fall! 
I have had a fantastic summer. Enjoyed a lot of traveling, painted in really cool places and  got to hang out with  great friends. Now, with just a few art shows left in the year, I am looking forward to settling into the studio and creating new work for 2014.  

I have been thinking a lot about color lately and my new painting ( I hope ) will reflect this. It all started with  a color confidence workshop I taught over the summer.  I have been trying to really simplify color theory for my students and put it in easy to understand language. How do make it practical for how people really paint? I think this turned out to be one of the best classes I have taught about color, so I am now in the process of creating a second level, Color Confidence 11.  I'm really excited about this class, but haven't gotten it boiled down to the nuts and bolts just yet.

 I really look forward to the time in the studio over the winter. the pressure of sales is off  and I can focus on creating and understanding color.

Happy fall ya'll!