Progress in the Studio 6/2

Now that I have finished my commissions, I have been tearing up the studio trying to produce my own work. Sales at the shows have been very good and that always gives me a lot positive energy to bring to the studio. Check out the results.

This is the tree I have been working on for while. As you can see, it has really changed. I hope to finish up this week.

This is a scene I came across while canoeing down the Estero River. I am really excited about this one. I just love the old boat pulled up on the bank.
Below you can see the black and white that I am working from.

This is a wonderful garden gate that Rob and I can across in Rome. We were trying to take a short cut to the coliseum, but it was a dead end. I am glad we to the walk, because this is going to be a fun painting.