Dawn Kinney Martin

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Thank you Alexandria,VA!

What a wonderful art show this past weekend in Alexandria! This was my first time in the area, what a great town. Saturday started out at 3:30 in the morning for the set up and boy was it humid. It stayed hot and humid, but that didn't keep people from coming out. Sales were strong all day until the tornado warning around 3:30. A big thanks to the organizers and the police for coming around to warn us and get everyone off the streets. The tornado went around us but with the heavy winds and rains, the show was closed for the rest of the day. Sunday was absolutely perfect! Pleasantly warm, no wind or humidity. Oh, if all of my shows could be this nice. Here are a few of my paintings that have a new home in Virginia.
Golden Sky at Low Tide 36"x48" oil on canvas

Folgers in the Morning 40"x30" mixed media on canvas

Coffee Makes You Bloom 6"x32" mixed media on canvas

Bloom Where You're Planted 6"x32" mixed media on canvas

High Winds12"x24" palette knife, oil on canvas

It takes Two 12"x12" palette knife, oil on canvas

Tulips and Daisies 12"x12" palette knife, oil on canvas

An Afternoon of Wine Tasting 12"x16" palette knife, oil on canvas
Well, back to the studio!
