Dawn Kinney Martin

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Dawn Art, Iron Pour & Art Stroll at Castleberry Hill

I have just finished hanging my artwork at the Elliot Street Pub for the Art Stroll this Friday, the 24th. There will be over 20 galleries participating. Click on the link below for maps and a full list of the galleries, shops and businesses involved.


Map to Castleberry Hill

Parking is available throughout neighborhood (please make sure not to block driveways, hydrants or where posted "no parking." There are also lots available at the corner of Trinity & Spring Sts. on the East side of the Peters St Bridge.

The Art Stroll is from 7 - 10 and the iron pour at Elliot Street is from 9 - 2am. If you have not stopped in for the pour....it's a must. I hear they are going to make the molds out of ice this time.

Art walk Start time
Friday, April 24, at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Iron pour start time :
, Friday, April 24, 9:00 - 2:00pm
Elliott Street Deli & Pub
51 Elliott Street SW
Atlanta, GA

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Hope to see you there!!!!
