Dawn Kinney Martin

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Home from Las Olas and Naples Art Festivals

It is great to be home from two weekends in Florida. The weather was a perfect 79 degrees, but is is great to be back home.

 Naples was pretty much uneventful. I sold one 15 x 15 painting " Rapids at Anna Ruby. Las Olas was a much better show. My big sale there was the "Cottage Retreat" 30 x 30 to  two wonderful gentlemen who live right on Las Olas Boulevard. They were a delight to meet and I am happy that my painting is going in their home.
The Cottage Retreat is a house in Atlanta that I jogged past one day and was taken with its charm. After my run, I drove back with my camera so that I could paint this lovely house. This painting was on of my mom's favorite, so she was said to see it go. My other sale worth mentioning at Las Olas was the 15 x 15 of "Time to Celebrate" . This was a row house from New Orleans.

Happy New Year!
